
Endoscopy Colonoscopy gastroscopy Wangaratta Specialist Centre Green Street Dr Matthew Shears General Surgeon.

About Endoscopy

A gastroscopy is used to investigate issues related to the oesophagus, stomach and 1st part of the small bowel. A long thin camera is inserted via the mouth after you are sedated. Commonly biopsies are taken checking for infections of the stomach and for coeliac disease.

A colonoscopy is used to investigate issues related to the anus, rectum and colon as well as the very end of the small bowel (Terminal ileum). In order to have a successful colonoscopy the bowel needs to be cleansed with bowel prep the day prior. Instructions will be given to you on how to do this and dietary requirements.

Often you will be referred directly for these procedures to avoid wait times in getting in to see Dr Shears before arranging the procedure. If you would like to see Dr Shears prior to the procedure to discuss, please let the team know.